Climate Change and Sustainability: Mediterranean Perspectives
This volume examines the challenges and interlinkages between climate change and sustainable development across the Mediterranean, where the climate crisis is further aggravating pre-existing political, social, economic and environmental fragilities. The research takes stock of present realities and seeks to identify priority areas of engagement while promoting better understandings of the nature and implications of this multidimensional relationship. Recognised as a climate change “hotspot”, this region is particularly exposed to the climate emergency and its cascading effects on human security and development. Rising temperatures, declining precipitation and increased pollution, combined with urbanisation and demographic growth, are adding significant stress to state and societal resilience. Individual chapters address the relationship between climate change and the water-food nexus across Mediterranean states; the promise and obstacles to digital agriculture as a way to improve yield outputs while diminishing negative externalities; the challenges of plastic pollution and waste in the Mediterranean region and the impact that impending energy transitions, including in the domain of the European Green Deal, may have on sustainable development across Mediterranean states.

Rome, Nuova Cultura, July 2021, 135 p. : ill. -
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Contributors, p. 7-10
List of Abbreviations, p. 11-12
Foreword, by Lorenzo Kamel, p. 13-14
1. Mediterranean Transitions: The Challenge of Sustainable Development, by Andrea Dessì, Daniele Fattibene and Flavia Fusco, p. 15-23
2. The Water-Food Nexus in the Mediterranean Region: Prospects and Challenges for Sustainability, by Marta Antonelli, p. 25-53
2.1 The Mediterranean region’s water challenges at a glance
2.2 Food security, water security and virtual water trade
2.3 Reconnecting water and food through sustainable diets
2.4 Conclusion and policy recommendations
3. New Technologies, Digitalisation and Sustainable Agriculture in the Mediterranean: Challenges and Prospects, by Hadi Jaafar, p. 55-81
3.1 Mediterranean agriculture and new technologies
3.2 Climate change and the challenge of sustainability in the Mediterranean
3.2.1 Water scarcity
3.2.2 Impact of protracted crises due to conflicts
3.3 Can digital agriculture address challenges and gaps?
3.4 Digital agriculture in the Mediterranean: Research and best practices
3.5 Regional and multilateral collaboration
3.6 Conclusion and policy recommendations
4. Recycling and Plastic Waste Management in the Mediterranean, by Guillaume Billard and Julien Boucher, p. 83-111
4.1 Mapping pollution: Estimated stock, annual inputs and hotspots
4.2 Impacts on biodiversity, economy, human health and sustainability
4.3 Causes, challenges and knowledge gaps of plastic waste in the Mediterranean
4.4 Review of existing policies
4.5 Conclusion and policy recommendations
5. Greening the Mediterranean: Pathways for Sustainable Energy and Climate Cooperation, by Luca Franza, p. 113-135
5.1 The Mediterranean: United in diversity, including on energy and climate
5.2 Opportunities and challenges to promote energy and climate cooperation in the Mediterranean
5.3 Highlights on concrete instruments and priorities to relaunch energy and climate cooperation
5.4 Conclusion and policy recommendations