Putting Development at the Centre of G20 Policy Agenda: Lessons for the T20
The G20 Development Working Group has gradually evolved throughout the years, following a haphazard and contradictory path. On the one hand, it has been progressively overshadowed by a sectoralisation of G20 activities, with several action tracks (i.e., the Finance Track) taking a more prominent role in the definition of the leaders’ priorities. On the other hand, its (unexploited) potential has increased due to the emergence of several global crises that have shown the importance of rekindling multilateral solutions at the G20 level. The T20 has a strong potential to boost G20 legitimacy on development cooperation worldwide, by drafting evidence-based and pragmatic policy proposals for the decision-makers. However, although often advocating for similar solutions, the Development Working Group and T20 have not necessarily fed into each other’s policy agendas, leading to misalignment and reducing their chances to influence other G20 tracks on crucial development issues such as development finance, food security or the global climate agenda.

Rome, IAI, March 2022, 16 p. -
IAI Papers [2] -
22|05 -
1. The evolution of the DWG: Lessons from the Italian G20 Presidency
1.1 Addressing structural weaknesses
1.2 The Italian recipe for revitalising the DWG
2. The role of engagement groups for G20 Presidencies
2.1 Weighing the alignment of T20 with the G20 agendas
2.2 Driving the international policy agenda? A comparative assessment of T20 Japan, T20 Saudi Arabia and T20 Italy
2.3 Matching T20 Communiqué with G20 Final Declarations
3. How can the T20 more strongly impact the G20 development cooperation policy agenda?