Moving Towards Europe. Diverse Trajectories and Multidimensional Drivers of Migration across the Mediterranean and the Atlantic

Population movements taking place in past decades, including those reaching the European Union, defy straightforward and simplistic conceptions of drivers, trajectories and forms of migration. Approaching migration journeys as non-linear processes, this book looks into the conditions and legal-policy frameworks at broad spaces of mobility interlinking several origin, transit, destination and host contexts in South/Central/Western Asia, Eastern/Central/Western Africa, Central and South America, and Europe to provide a more nuanced understanding of mixed migration. It also looks at specific migratory trends towards the European Union before and after the so-called ‘migration crisis’ (2009–2020), while paying particular attention to gender- and sexuality-specific dynamics and patterns.
Volume prepared in the framework of the project ITFLOWS – IT Tools and Methods for Managing Migration Flows.
Bern [etc.], Peter Lang, 2023, 339 p. : ill. -
10 -
978-3-0343-4639-9; 978-3-0343-4705-1 (pdf); 978-3-0343-4706-8 (ePUB); 10.3726/b20682
Figures, p. 7-8
Tables, p. 9
Foreword / Lorenzo Kamel, p. 11-14
1. Introduction / Asli Selin Okyay, Luca Barana, Colleen Boland, Daniela Huber, Daniel Morente and Elena Sánchez-Montijano, p. 15-39
2. Fragmented Afghan journeys towards Europe: Caught between insecure lives, precarious livelihoods and restrictive policies / Asli Selin Okyay, p. 41-68
3. Following mixed migration trajectories from Iraq: When, how and why Europe became a major destination for Iraqis / Flavia Fusco, p. 69-89
4. Syrian refugees’ trajectories: From civil war through insecure livelihoods in transit/ host contexts to fortified European borders / Daniela Huber, p. 91-115
5. Why do so many Eritreans flee their country? Drivers of Eritrean migration in countries of origin, transit and destination / Jacopo Resti, p. 117-135
6. Mali’s migratory complexity: A tale of shifting migratory movements on three routes / Luca Barana, Colleen Boland and Daniel Morente, p. 137-161
7. Nigeria: The impact of economic struggles and conflict on fragmented migratory routes / Luca Barana, p. 163-186
8. Understanding migration from Tunisia: Domestic marginalisation, regional instability and the EU’s over- securitisation approach / Silvia Colombo, p. 187-206
9. Morocco’s influence on WMR and WAR transit: Key relationships with Africa and Europe and growing geopolitical weight / Colleen Boland and Daniel Morente, p. 207-233
10. The legacies of the armed conflict, regional dynamics and Spain’s immigration and asylum policies in the shaping of migration from Colombia / Daniel Morente, p. 235-260
11. Increasingly exacerbated crises in Honduras / Colleen Boland and Elena Sánchez-Montijano, p. 261-285
12. The continued Venezuelan exodus / Colleen Boland and Elena Sánchez-Montijano, p. 287-307
13. Conclusions / Asli Selin Okyay, Luca Barana, Colleen Boland, Daniela Huber, Daniel Morente and Elena Sánchez-Montijano, p. 309-331
Contributors, p. 333-335
Abbreviations, p. 337-339