Gianluigi Bonanomi

Gianluigi Bonanomi is a digital communication trainer with a passion for books and outreach events. After graduating with a thesis on online relationships in 2001, he worked for about a dozen years in the field of computer publishing (mainly Computer Idea) as a professional journalist. He has written over 20 essays and manuals on digital topics for publishers such as Mondadori, Hoepli, Franco Angeli, Editrice bibliografica, and others. He also manages the "Fai da tech" series for Ledizioni.
Currently, he is involved in training and events on digital themes, including those for the Business School of Sole24Ore, Fastweb Digitale Academy, Edulia by Treccani, as well as corporate academies for Fineco, Epson, and others. In 2021, he founded the innovative startup Link&Lead, which focuses on encouraging employees' LinkedIn communication through gamification and AI. In 2023, he established the innovative startup SEOJob Srl, specializing in optimizing CVs and LinkedIn profiles with the right keywords using AI. He holds the Net Marketing chair at the Accademia SantaGiulia in Brescia.
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