Global Turkey in Europe II. Energy, Migration, Civil Society and Citizenship Issues in Turkey-EU Relations
The EU, Turkey, and their common neighborhood are changing rapidly and deeply, exposing the European-Turkish relationship to new challenges and opportunities in diverse policy areas such as energy, migration, citizenship and civil society. This collective volume explores how the EU and Turkey can enhance their cooperation in these policy domains and so aims to contribute to a comprehensive discussion on shaping a common Turkish-European future in the world.
Some of the essays collected in this volume have been published in the Global Turkey in Europe [23] series (September 2013-April 2014), in the framework of the project [24] "Turkey, Europe and the World", conducted by the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) in cooperation with Stiftung Mercator e Istanbul Policy Center (IPC).

Roma, Nuova Cultura, April 2014, 246 p. -
13 -
List of Contributors, p. 7-8
List of Abbreviations, p. 9-11
Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Daniela Huber, E. Fuat Keyman and Nathalie Tocci, p. 13-15
Executive Summary, p. 17-21
Part I. Energy Politics
1. EU-Turkey Energy Relations in the Context of EU Accession Negotiations
David Koranyi and Nicolò Sartori, p. 23-39
2. The Potential Role of Turkey in a Globalizing Gas Market
Mehmet Doğan Üçok, p. 41-48
3. Can Eastern Mediterranean Gas Discoveries Have a Positive Impact on Turkey-EU Relations?
Ayla Gürel and Fiona Mullen, p. 49-68
4. Untangling the Turkey-KRG Energy Partnership: Looking Beyond Economic Drivers
Gönül Tol, p. 69-80
Part II. Migration and the Syrian Case
5. Turkey's Migration Transition and its Implications for the Euro-Turkish Transnational Space
Ahmet İçduygu, p. 81-106
6. EU-Turkey Relations: A Visa Breakthrough?
Gerald Knaus, p. 107-122
7. The EU and Turkey's Asylum Policy in Light of the Syrian Crisis
Juliette Tolay, p. 123-137
8. Turkey, Europe and the Syrian Crisis: What Went Wrong?
Nathalie Tocci, p. 139-144
Part III. Citizenship and Civil Society
9. Europeanization, Framing Competition, and Civil Society in the EU and Turkey
Ayhan Kaya and Raffaele Marchetti, p. 145-196
10. "Euro-Turks". A Commentary
Anna Triandafyllidou, p. 197-201
11. Crises and Elections: What are the Consequences for Turkey's EU Bid?
Eduard Soler i Lecha, p. 203-213
Conclusion: The Future of Europe, Differentiated Integration and Turkey's Role
Meltem Müftüler-Baç, p. 215-220
References, p. 221-246