Azzurra Meringolo

Azzurra Meringolo is journalist at the foreign desk of the Giornale Radio Rai, where she mainly deals with Middle Eastern issues. She was a member of the editorial board of the IAI’s webzine AffarInternazionali [5]. She holds a PhD in International Relations and is Adjunct Professor at the Università Roma Tre. Contributor to national and international newspapers, she was scientific coordinator of the Arab Media Report [6] and presenter of Radio 3 Mondo (Rai3). In 2012 she won the Ivan Bonfanti journalism award and her doctoral thesis on Egyptian anti-Americanism was awarded the Maria Grazia Cutuli prize. In 2013 she won the Indro Montanelli writing prize with her book I ragazzi di piazza Tahrir [7] and in 2014 the Franco Cuomo International Award (nonfiction section).She is founder and member of the Scientific Committee of WIIS Italy and member of the German Marshall Fund Leadership Council. Follow her on her blog and on twitter at @ragazzitahrir.