Flexible Frameworks, Beyond Borders. Understanding Regional Dynamics to Enhance Cooperative Security
As of 2014, the post-Cold War illusion of a more secure world has long given way to a gloomy perception of both the present and the future. It has never been so clear as in the past few years that challenges to international security emerge from several different fields (environmental, political, social, economic, etc), touch simultaneously on a wide range of geographic areas and involve different types of actors – from states to transnational and national terrorism, from organized crime to other non-state actors). In this transformed scenario, the regional dimension of security continues to be of utmost importance, even if regional and interregional dynamics have changed with respect to the past. Regions are the context in which cooperative communities can be created and stabilized over time (in the form of "Security Communities" for instance), the areas in which there is a higher interdependence in terms of security concerns ("Security Complexes"), or the areas in which local conflicts are more likely to spread. Regions are also historically-defined entities, whose borders are shaped and reshaped over time by security dynamics. Therefore, it is of paramount importance for an organization like NATO - which has security and cooperation at the core of its mandate - to understand the new and old security challenges by looking at their regional dimension, and to evaluate their interregional and global implications. This volume aims to contribute to this effort by analyzing regional dynamics, the eventual role of NATO in their regards, and possible ways to enhance cooperative security.
Result of the third academic conference organised by NATO Allied Command Transformation (ACT), University of Bologna and Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), Bertinoro, 15-17 May 2014.
Exploring regional security challenges, by Federico Casprini, Sonia Lucarelli & Alessandro Marrone, p. 6-10
Scene Setter: The West and the Rest
Trends in International Politics: "the West and the Rest", by Sonia Lucarelli, p. 14-15
Focus Area I. Asia-Pacific
Asia-Pacific in the Global Economy: an Overview, by Andrea Goldstein, p. 18-29
The New Center of Power: Political and Strategic Trends in Asia Pacific, by Antonio Fiori, p. 30-40
Asia-Pacific Working Group Report, by Federico Casprini, p. 41-45
Focus Area II. Greater Middle East and North Africa
Economic Prospects for the MENA Region: Impatient Expectations, Deferred Promises and the Missing Axes of Trust, Memduh Karakullukçu, p. 48-62
Strategic Trends in the Middle East and North Africa, by Tewfik Aclimandos, p. 63-70
Greater Middle East and North Africa Working Group Report, by Alessandro Marrone, p. 71-74
Focus Area III. Sub-Saharan Africa
Economic and Social Trends in Sub-Saharan Africa, by Giovanni M. Carbone, p. 78-89
An Overview of West Africa's Security Situation, by Lydia M. Amedzrator and
Emannuel Kwesi Aning, p. 90-98
Sub-Saharan Africa Working Group Report, by Bastian Giegerich, p. 99-103
Annex. The Black Sea Region
The Black Sea Region and Euro-Atlantic Security Round Table Report, by Federico Catapano, p. 106-108