L'Italia nelle missioni civili dell'Ue. Criticità e prospettive
The civilian aspects of crisis management have taken on increasing importance in stabilizing conflict areas from Kosovo, to Afghanistan and Georgia. The civilian missions deployed by the European Union are tasked with rebuilding state structures, reforming the security apparatus and enforcing the rule of law, administering justice and monitoring peace agreements. Italy is in second place among EU members for the number of personnel seconded to these missions. Nevertheless, there are still important gaps to be filled in terms of training and recruitment of personnel, mechanisms for evaluating "lessons learned", legal framework and means of financiing. The contributions brought together in this volume analyse the Italian and European experience in this sector, highlighting the qualities and shortcomings and suggesting a strategic rethinking of Italy's role in the civilian management of international crises.
Proceedings of the seminar "L'Italia nelle missioni civili dell'Ue. Criticità e prospettive", held in Rome on 4-5 November 2009, organised by the IAI within the framework of the research project [10] "EU crisis management missions and the role of Italy".

Roma, Istituto Affari Internazionali, February 2010, 185 p. -
IAI Quaderni [2] -
Prefazione, Piergiorgio Cherubini
Lista delle abbreviazioni
1. Esperienze apprese ed efficacia delle missioni civili Pesd, Giovanni Grevi
2. Formazione e reclutamento del personale civile, Annalisa Creta e Nicoletta Pirozzi
Allegato I: Questionario per le Amministrazioni centrali dello Stato
3. Aspetti normativi e finanziari della partecipazione dell’Italia alle missioni civili Pesd, Luigi Gianniti
4. Civilian crisis management in the EU: the German experience, Jens Behrendt
5. Sweden’s contribution to civilian operations: structures, routines and experiences, Folke Bernadotte Academy
Appendix I: Example of model contract for service abroad
Appendix II: Sample Curriculum of Pre-deployment Training for Eulex
Rapporto del seminario "L'Italia nelle missioni civili dell'Ue. Criticità e prospettive", Roma, Ministero degli Affari esteri, 4-5 novembre 2009, Valérie Vicky Miranda
Report of the workshop "Italy’s participation in EU civilian missions: critical aspects and future perspectives", Rome, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 4-5 November 2009, Valérie Vicky Miranda
Mappa delle missioni civili Pesd in corso e del personale italiano impiegato
Agenda del seminario "L’Italia nelle missioni civili dell’Ue. Criticità e prospettive", Roma, Ministero degli Affari esteri, 4-5 novembre 2009