Confidence-building in Tunisia after the Popular Uprising: Strategies and Dilemmas of the Interim Government
Since the fall of Ben Ali on 14th January 2011, Tunisia has been going through a process of transformation and reconfiguration of the manifold relationships between the state and society. So far, a series of legal amendments and policy provisions have been considered to respond to immediate political demands in the run-up to the next elections. However, the numerous policy steps that have been achieved so far should not conceal resilient challenges pertaining, among others, to the structure of the economy and to its capacity to tackle youth unemployment, poverty in depressed areas, unfair competition, and corruption. The interim government will need to address these deeper challenges lest its credibility be jeopardised and the overall reform process compromised.

Roma, Istituto Affari Internazionali, February 2011, 7 p. -
11|04 -
1. The interim government’s “pragmatic expressions of persuasion”: Legal and political reforms
2. Responding to deeper claims and expectations: Rehabilitating political opponents and establishing the national commissions
3. Pending challenges: Ridding Tunisia of the regime’s legacy of “participatory development” and tackling the pyramidal private sector
Concluding remarks