EU-U.S. Security Strategies. Comparative scenarios and recommendations
EU-US stronger cooperation and consistent action are crucial to protect the transatlantic space and project security globally. The EU needs to upgrade its strategic thinking to pave the way for a comprehensive transatlantic security and defence review. To that end it should work out a White Paper on Security and Defence of a level of sophistication comparable to the US one. The EU and US should agree upon shared definitions and concepts, as well as build issue-specific cooperative structures on new transnational security challenges such as cyber-security, biosecurity, disaster preparedness and response, pandemics. It is equally vital to expand consultation and information-sharing on high politics issues and intensify joint exercises to enhance transatlantic crisis response and management capabilities, and deepen NATO-EU cooperation. A larger and more solid transatlantic industrial basis, also comprising improved governance, would also be key to deeper political and security cooperation.
Final report of the project "EU-US Security Strategies", conducted by the Istituto affari internazionali (IAI) in cooperation with Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI), Fondation pour la recherche stratégique (FRS) and Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), and funded by the EU within the pilot projects "Transatlantic methods for handling global challenges in the European Union and the United States".

Executive Summary
Introduction, p. vii-viii
Key Findings, p. ix
Issue 1: Definition of External Security and Its Implementation Model, p. x-xiv
Issue 2: The Internal/External Security Nexus: A Comparative Approach, p. xv-xix
Issue 3: Industry toward Security, p. xx-xxii
Issue 4: The Transatlantic Relationship and EU-U.S. Security Cooperation, p. xxiii-xxvi
List of Acronyms, p. xxvii-xxxiii
Issue 1: The Definition of External Security and its Implementation Model
1. Introduction, Heather A. Conley, p. 3-4
2. The French Case: Livre Blanc sur la Défense et la Sécurité Nationale, Camille Grand, p. 5-15
3. The U.S. Case: 2002 and 2010 U.S. National Security Strategy, Heather A. Conley with Manuel Lafont Rapnouil and Michael Cass-Anthony, p. 16-26
4. Reviewing European Security Strategies, Erik Brattberg and Mark Rhinard, p. 27-36
5. The 2010 NATO Strategic Concept, Stefano Silvestri and Alessandro Marrone, p. 37-50
Issue 2: The Internal/External Security Nexus
1. Introduction, Mark Rhinard and Erik Brattberg, p. 53-54
2. Cyber-security: Toward EU-U.S. Cooperation?, Federica Di Camillo and Valérie Miranda, p. 55-67
3. Biosecurity in a Transatlantic Context, Elisande Nexon and Jean-François Daguzan, p. 68-78
4. EU and U.S. Pandemics Preparedness and Response, Mark Rhinard and Erik Brattberg, p. 79-91
5. Natural Disasters: Strategic Rhetoric and Practical Action in the EU, U.S. and Transatlantic Partnership, Rick “Ozzie” Nelson and Ben Bodurian, p. 92-106
Issue 3: Industry toward Security
1. Introduction, Nicolò Sartori, p. 109-110
2. The Security Market in the EU and the United States: Features and Trends, Hélène Masson and Lucia Marta, p. 111-126
3. Challenges to Agenda-Setting Priorities: Toward Effective Public-Private Partnerships for Security in the EU and United States, Erik Brattberg and Jan Joel Andersson, p. 127-137
4. The Regulatory and Acquisition Environment for Security in the EU and the United States, David Berteau, Guy Ben-Ari, Priscilla Hermann, and Sandra Mezzadri, p. 138-154
5. Transatlantic Industrial Policies in the Security Sector, Valerio Briani and Nicolò Sartori, p. 155-168
Issue 4: The Transatlantic Relationship and EU-U.S. Cooperation in Security
1. Introduction, Yves Boyer, p. 171-173
2. The Nuclear Standoff with Iran and the Future of Transatlantic Security Responsibility-sharing, Riccardo Alcaro, p. 174-182
3. Afghanistan: A Stress Test for Transatlantic Security Cooperation, Stephen Flanagan, T.J. Cipoletti, and Amanda Tuninetti, p. 183-195
4. EU-U.S. Response to the Haiti Earthquake: A Comparative Analysis, Erik Brattberg and Bengt Sundelius, p. 196-206
5. The Fight against Piracy Off Somalia: A Consensual but Asymmetric Engagement, Philippe Gros, p. 207-227
Research Team, p. 228