West-Russia Relations in Light of the Ukraine Crisis
In light of Russia's annexation of Crimea and destabilization of Ukraine, West-Russia relations have so dramatically deteriorated that talk of a new Cold War has become routine. NATO's role in Europe is again in the spotlight, with experts and policymakers pondering whether the Alliance needs to go back to its historical roots and re-calibrate itself as an instrument of defence from and containment of Russia. At the same time, cooperation between Russia and the West has not collapsed altogether, with the two still able to coordinate on issues such as Iran's nuclear programme. Clearly, tensions over Ukraine are so strong that the risk of a breakdown in relations cannot be ruled out. The contributions to this volume, the result of an international conference jointly organised by the Istituto Affari Internazionali and the Center on the United States and Europe at Brookings, analyze the dramatic shift in Europe's strategic context and explore the question of whether Russia and the West can contain tensions, manage competition, and keep cooperating on issues of mutual concern.
Revised and updated versions of the papers presented at the seventh edition of the Transatlantic Security Symposium entitled "A Cold Peace? Western-Russian Relations in Light of the Ukraine Crisis" and organised in Rome on 20 October 2014 by the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) in cooperation with the Center on the United States and Europe (CUSE) at the Brookings Institution. Conference report published also as A Cold Peace? Western-Russian Relations in Light of the Ukraine Crisis (Documenti IAI ; 1411)

Roma, Nuova Cultura, February 2015, 87 p. -
18 -
List of Contributors
List of Abbreviations
1. Dancing with the Bear. How the West Should Handle Its Relations with Russia, by Ivan Krastev
1.1. Russia's Place in the European Order
1.2. Russia's Challenge and Europe's Options
1.3. Russia's Revolt against Globalisation
1.4. Sanctions and the Paradox of Russia's Isolationism
1.5. Dancing with the Bear
2. Deterrence in the New European Security Context, by Christopher Chivvis
2.1. The New Conflict with Russia
2.2. Geopolitical and Ideological Drivers of Conflict
2.3. The Danger to the Baltic States and NATO
2.4. Deterrence and Engagement
2.5. Strategic Principles
3. West-Russia Relations and the Emerging Global Order. Polycentric World as the New Reality, by Alexey Gromyko
3.1. The Role and Place of Russia in Europe and Eurasia
3.2. The Role and Place of Russia in the Polycentric World
3.3. The Role and Place of Russia in the Changing Configuration of Power
3.4. Smaller Europe (the EU), Russia and the US: Strategies of Geopolitical Survival
Appendix A. Report of the Transatlantic Security Symposium 2014, by Riccardo Alcaro
The Conference
Russia's Interests and Putin's Power
Putin's Russia vs. the West
Russia's Place in the World
A Bipolar Europe
NATO and Russia
Ukraine's Grim Outlook
Appendix B. Agenda of the Transatlantic Security Symposium 2014
Appendix C. List of Participants in the Transatlantic Security Symposium 2014