The Rentier State

This volume is devoted to a discussion of interrelations of the economic base with the cultural, social and political structures, and of its impact on the state. The ‘rentier states’ of the Middle East, which derive a substantial part of their revenue from foreign sources in the form of rent, largely oil revenues, face the same basic problem, the challenge of transforming their economies to give increased strength to productive activity and rely on its progress to increase state revenue from domestic sources. This book, Volume Two in the "Nation, State and Integration in the Arab World" research project carried out by the Istituto Affari Internazionali, examine the issue of the modernization of rentier states’ public finance, which may well entail important modifications in their domestic politics.
Second of the four volumes of the series Nation, State and Integration in the Arab World, the product of a three-year collective effort organised by the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI). Published also in the series "Routledge Library Editions: Politics of the Middle East" (July 2015, ISBN 978-1-13-892371-3). Chapters 2, 4, 6 and 8-9 already published in Giacomo Luciani (ed.), Public Finance in the Arab Countries, Ottawa, International Development Research Centre (IDRC), July 1986 (Manuscript Reports ; 135e). Chapters 3-5 published also in Giacomo Luciani (ed.), The Arab State, London, Routledge, 1990.
Introduction, Hazem Beblawi and Giacomo Luciani, p. 1-21
1. Income Measurement in Arab States, Thomas Stauffer, p. 22-48
2. The Rentier State in the Arab World, Hazem Beblawi, p. 49-62
3. Allocation vs. Production States: A Theoretical Framework, Giacomo Luciani, p. 63-82
4. The Macro-behaviour of Oil-Rentier States in the Arab Region, Mahmoud Abdel-Fadil, p. 83-107
5. Policies for Development: Attitudes Toward Industry and Services, Michel Chatelus, p. 108-137
6. The State, Social Classes and Agricultural Policies in the Arab World, Hamid Ait Amara, p. 138-158
7. Political Aspects of State Building in Rentier Economies: Algeria and Libya Compared, Dirk Vandewalle, p. 159-171
8. Fiscal Resources and Budget Financing in the Countries of the Maghreb (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya and Mauritania), Fathallah Oulalou and Larbi Jaidi, p. 172-193
9. Government Income Sources and the Development of the Taxation System: the Case of Jordan, Egypt and Kuwait, Hesham Garaibeh, p. 194-210
10. Depoliticisation of a Rentier State: the Case of Pahlavi Iran, Afsaneh Najmabadi, p. 211-227
References, p. 228-232
About the Authors, p. 233-234
Index, p. 235-240