Changing Migration Patterns in the Mediterranean
This volume has been written by leading scholars within the New-Med Research Network with the aim to foster both the academic and the policy debate on the changing migratory scenarios in and around the Mediterranean. It looks at the evolution of human mobility towards Mediterranean Europe over the past decades and analyses the historical, demographic, social, psycho-social, economic, and political dimensions of these phenomena. The concluding chapters assess the role of the EU and advances proposals for a long-term European migration policy.
Some of the essays collected in this volume have been published in the IAI Working Papers series (April-October 2015), in the framework of the New-Med Research Network [15]. Volume presented at the conference on "Radicalization in the Mediterranean Region: Old and New Drivers", Ankara, 14 December 2015.

Roma, Nuova Cultura, November 2015, 214 p. -
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Introduction, by Lorenzo Kamel
1. Continuity and Change in Youth Migration Patterns from the Mediterranean, by Ummuhan Bardak
1.1 Diversity of migration patterns across the AMCs
1.2 The irresistible attractiveness of the ‘migration idea’ to the youth
1.3 Modest but consistent international student flows
1.4 Changing profiles of migrants: young, single, less-educated men?
1.5 Evolving destinations: developments in Europe and the Gulf and their policies
1.6 Has the Arab Spring increased emigration?
1.7 What are the main migration outcomes?
Policy conclusions and recommendations
2. European Muslims: Caught between Local Integration Challenges and Global Terrorism Discourses, by Anna Triandafyllidou
2.1 European Muslims
2.2 Tensions over Islam in different European countries
2.3 Distinguishing between problems of integration and jihadist terrorism
3. Turkey’s Evolving Migration Policies: A Mediterranean Transit Stop at the Doors of the EU, by Ahmet İçduygu
3.1 The evolution of Turkey as a transit country
3.2 Turkey-EU relations: the evolution of Turkey’s migration policies
4. Migrations Through and From Libya: A Mediterranean Challenge, by Mattia Toaldo
4.1 Changing patterns of migration and migration control through Libya
4.2 The (illegal) economics of migration in Libya
4.3 Libya's ungoverned spaces
4.4 Migrations from Libya and within Libya
4.5 De-securitising migration policy
5. Morocco’s Experience of Migration as a Sending, Transit and Receiving Country, by Mehdi Lahlou
5.1 Moroccan migration policy: first step, the Law of 02/03
5.1.1 Overall framework
5.1.2 The Law of 02/03
5.1.3 Institutional framework
5.2 Moroccan migration policy, second period: lower migration
5.3 Moroccan migration policy, third step: managing economic crisis and “Arab spring” effects, under human rights pressure
6. Israel’s Policies toward Asylum-Seekers: 2002-2014, by Galia Sabar and Elizabeth Tsurkov
6.1 Israel's immigration regime: a brief introduction
6.2 Challenging Israel's migration regime: the arrival of international migrant labourers
6.3 African asylum-seekers enter Israel: major milestones
6.3.1 Numbers
6.3.2 Procedures and policies
6.4 Between Israel and the UNHCR, between conditional release, temporary protection and RSD
6.5 The struggle over the 1954 Prevention of Infiltration Law
6.6 Asylum-seekers’ perceptions of Israel's policies: between hopelessness and struggle
7. Gender and Mobility across Southern and Eastern European Borders: “Double Standards” and the Ambiguities of European Neighbourhood Policy, by Sabrina Marchetti and Ruba Salih
7.1 Gender and migration
7.2 Women migrants to the EU from the East and South
7.3 Algerian women in France
7.4 Moroccan women in Spain
7.5 Ukrainian women in Poland
7.6 Moldovan women in Italy
8. Migration and Refugee Governance in the Mediterranean: Europe and International Organisations at a Crossroad, by Sarah Wolff
8.1 An EU-driven and risk-averse migration and refugee governance
8.2 Mediterranean partners and state-driven regional initiatives
8.3 UNHCR and IOM: framing an alternative debate on refugees and migration in the Mediterranean
8.4 IOs’ challenges regarding shaping and influencing EU and Mediterranean policies
8.5 Frontex and IOs: an example of good practice?
8.6 Future prospects and recommendations for IOs