Lessons to be Learned from Other Experiences of Socio-economic Transformation for Youth in the SEM Region
This report contains a discussion of the main findings emerging from a comparative study conducted in the context of Work Package 5, “Global Youth”. The aim of the report is to draw key conclusions from the experiences of youth mobilization and socio-economic transformation in Greece, Ireland, Brazil and to assess their relevance to the challenges facing the youth in the South East Mediterranean (SEM) region. After a general presentation of the selection of the three country cases and the methodology applied, we offer a synthetic presentation of the three case studies, looking at key critical junctures of youth discontent and their mobilization’s transformative impact. We conclude by highlighting the main lessons learned from the three country cases and their implications for, and relevance to, the challenges facing the youth in the SEM region.

Roma, IAI, May 2017, 23 p. (updated September 2017) -
1. Selection of Case Studies and Methodology
2. The Three Country Cases: Key Remarks
2.1. The Greek Case
2.2. The Irish Case
2.3. The Brazilian Case
2.4. The Arab Connection
Conclusion and Lessons Learned