FEUTURE EU 28 Country Report: Italy
Turkish EU membership is a highly contested issue in the individual EU Member States. Therefore, the FEUTURE research design analyses and reflects these variances of the national debates in the “EU 28 Country Reports”, which form part of Work Package 1 “Conceptual and Analytical tool-kit”. The general aim of these reports is to provide in depth information on the EU’s perception of EU-Turkey relations in all 28 EU Member States.
Cologne, University of Cologne, March 2017, 8 p. -
FEUTURE Papers [2] -
EU 28 Country Reports
1. History of EU-Turkey Relations
1.1. Widespread support for Turkish EU-membership
1.2. Cultural and identity issues dominate the public debate
1.3. Interest-based discussion dominates the debate at political level
2. Future of EU-Turkey relations
2.1. Italy is concerned with Turkey’s growing authoritarianism
2.2. Turkey as a strategic partner
2.3. A chance of a nationalistic closure and growth in Turkoscepticism
3. EU-Turkey Relations and the Neighbourhood/Global scene
3.1. Italy-Turkey position in the global scene
3.2. A potential of strategic cooperation in the Mediterranean
3.3. Global issues might challenge this partnership
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