Pubblicazioni > Tutti, Elezioni + Turchia


La via turca per l'Europa

Nicolò Sartori

In: Altri paper e articoli

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Islamophobia in Europe: Turkey's perceptions and impact on EU-Turkey relations

Daniela Huber

In: Global Turkey in Europe Question of the Month, March 2015

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TTIP and EU-Turkish Economic Relations

Kamil Yılmaz

In: Global Turkey in Europe Policy brief 21

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Media freedom and freedom of expression in Turkey

Daniela Huber

In: Global Turkey in Europe Question of the Month, February 2015

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Pending Challenges in Turkey's Judiciary

Ergun Özbudun

In: Global Turkey in Europe Policy brief 20

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Turkey's Unconsolidated Democracy

Meltem Müftüler-Baç, E. Fuat Keyman

In: Global Turkey in Europe Policy brief 19

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Turkey's strategic significance for Europe

Daniela Huber

In: Global Turkey in Europe Question of the Month, January 2015

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Turkey, Syria and Saving the PKK Peace Process

Hugh Pope

In: Global Turkey in Europe Commentary 21

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Turkey's growing gender inequality

Daniela Huber, Andrea Dessì

In: Global Turkey in Europe Question of the Month, December 2014

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La Turchia a un bivio tra ambizioni e strategie politiche

Nicolò Sartori

In: Altri paper e articoli

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