Pubblicazioni > Tutti, Iran + Medioriente


Iran's Discourses and Practices in the Mediterranean Since 2001

Anoushiravan Ehteshami, Ariabarzan Mohammadi

In: MEDRESET Papers Working Paper 5

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The EU's Constructions of the Mediterranean

Münevver Cebeci

In: MEDRESET Papers Policy Paper 1

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American Discourses and Practices in the Mediterranean since 2001: A Comparative Analysis with the EU

Sally Khalifa Isaac, Haidi Esmat Kares

In: MEDRESET Papers Working Paper 4

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Towards Youth-Inclusive Policies in the Mediterranean (2)

Maria Cristina Paciello, Daniela Pioppi

In: Power2Youth Papers Policy Briefs 2

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Youth in the South East Mediterranean Region and the Need for a Political Economy Approach

Maria Cristina Paciello, Daniela Pioppi

In: Power2Youth Papers 37

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Marginalization, Young People in the South and East Mediterranean, and Policy

Mark D. Calder, Robert MacDonald, Drew Mikhael

In: Power2Youth Papers 35

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The EU's Construction of the Mediterranean

Münevver Cebeci

In: MEDRESET Papers Policy Briefs 1

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Youth and the Mediterranean

Andrea Dessì, Lorenzo Kamel

In: Altri paper e articoli

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