The Tunisian Revolution: An Opportunity for Democratic Transition
Owing to its macroeconomic achievements, for decades Tunisia projected an image of stability to the world and distinguished itself from other Arab countries for its progress in the areas of economic growth, health, education and women’s rights. This widely held view of apparent stability was shattered on January 14, when President Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali fled the country after high levels of unemployment and inequalities resulted in widespread chaos and social unrest. Events in Tunisia raise sharp questions regarding the country’s current situation and its future prospects and, more generally, the often taken-forgranted sustainability of many regimes of the Middle East and the policies of the European Union towards the region.
Commento preparato nell'ambito del progetto MEDPRO (Mediterranean Prospects). Pubblicato anche in MEDPRO Commentaries 1.

Dati bibliografici
Roma, Istituto Affari Internazionali, gennaio 2011, 5 p. -
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