Lessons Learned’ from Afghanistan
NATO members such as Italy and the UK have been heavily engaged in Afghanistan for almost a decade. Useful lessons could be drawn from this experience regarding the political, military, diplomatic and economic aspects of stabilization missions in complex and volatile theatres in Europe’s neighbourhood. To understand spoiling factors, to engage the “home front”, to prepare for worst-case scenarios and asymmetric warfare, to coordinate civilians and militaries at home and on the ground, to connect the defence industry with the front line, to build a long-term partnership with the target country, to make the peace process as inclusive as possible, to balance economic competition with political cooperation, are only some of the lessons to be learned and kept in mind after a decade of engagement in Afghanistan.
Trascrizioni della tavola rotonda su "Le 'lessons learned' dall'Afghanistan", Roma, 16 giugno 2011, organizzata nell'ambito del European Security and Defence Forum (ESDF).

Dati bibliografici
Roma, Istituto Affari Internazionali, settembre 2011, 45 p. -
Documenti IAI [2] -
1. Introduction, Vincenzo Camporini
2. Executive summary, Alessandro Marrone and Nicole Koenig
3. Keynote speech, Paul Cornish
4. Intervento, Biagio Abrate (in Italian)
5. Intervento, Gabriele Checchia (in Italian)
6. Intervento, Alberto De Benedictis (in Italian)
7. Intervento, Paolo Romani (in Italian)