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EU energy and climate securities in a geostrategic context

16/06/2017, Brussels

The EU Global Strategy of 2016 identified five strategic priorities actions: security & defence, building resilience and taking an integrated approach, strengthening the internal/external nexus, updating existing strategies and preparing new ones, enhancing public diplomacy. In March 2017, the EU Foreign Affairs Council agreed on strengthening the synergies between the relevant elements of the climate and energy diplomacies as part of the implementation of the EU Global Strategy and established a set of overall climate priorities for 2017. In parallel, the global energy and climate security outlook is changing based on various developments, including the end of the resource boom, the entry into force of the Paris Agreement, profound technological changes in energy supply and demand (e.g. shale gas and oil, digital revolution, renewables becoming cost competitive), the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as gradual adaptation to climate change.

This conference is organised jointly by the EEAS and by CEPS/IDDRI/IAI. It will:
- Focus on issues such as energy and climate as drivers of conflict and migration and examine how a renewed and integrated EU-approach to both energy security and climate security can help to shape up global security and strengthen European resilience.
- Discuss the evolving changes, their implications and possible policy options for the EU. In that sense the event could help identify the major security risks and how the EU can best address them.

The particular focus will be on energy security and the security implications of climate change in light of the objective of ensuring a resilient European Union as outlined in the EU Global Strategy.