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Head of the Programme: Alessia Chiriatti

Training Courses 2025

Analista euro-mediterraneo e Medio Oriente 6-7 February € 249,00
Previsione di rischio e analisi di scenario 17-19-21 February € 399,00
Energia e Risorse: Strategie Globali per la Gestione delle Crisi 3-5-7 March € 399,00
Diplomazia e Difesa nello Spazio e nel Cyberspazio 13-14 March € 249,00
Open Source Intelligence e Intelligenza Artificiale 24-26-28 March € 399,00
Capacity Building per la Cooperazione Internazionale 7-9-11 April € 399,00
Writing for Academia/Writing for Policy: Methods, Skills and Techniques 5-7-9 May € 399,00
Sicurezza e Transizioni in Medio Oriente: Relazioni Globali e Sfide Marittime 15-16 May € 249,00
Africa e Piano Mattei: Strategie per la Cooperazione e la Sicurezza Globale 22-23 May € 249,00
Corso EXECUTIVE Osint for Foresight 18-19-20 June € 699,00
Corso EXECUTIVE Digital Economy 24-25-26 September € 699,00
Previsione del Rischio e Analisi di Scenario 29 September, 1-3 October € 399,00
Analista Euro-Mediterraneo 16-17 October € 249,00
Open Source Intelligence e Intelligenza Artificiale 27-29-31 October € 399,00
Geopolitica dell’Indo-Pacifico 6-7 November € 249,00
Conflict Resolution per le Crisi Globali: Tecniche di Negoziato e Mediazione 17-19-21 November € 399,00
Gender Politics: prospettive, parità ed inclusione per la ricerca e la progettazione 1-3-5 December € 399,00

Advanced Certificates and Executive Courses for Professionals

The Advanced Certificate is a training program, composed by three courses, designed for students, recent graduates and professionals who want to strengthen their professional development and improve their individual skills in order to work in international contexts.

It is also possible to attend individual courses without being enrolled in an Advanced Certificate.

Discounts and Scholarships

Contact us:
email : edu(at)

Join our network and become an IAI Junior Member. Becoming an IAI Member offers numerous opportunities for meeting and debate, facilities for training, and meetings with internationally prominent personalities.

The IAI Member is invited to conferences and seminars organized by IAI, developing a network of relationships with other Members and actors of the Institute, and can include the title "IAI Associate" in his/her curriculum vitae. He or she can also enroll in IAI's training courses with a 10 percent discount.

The special membership fee for Junior Members is €60.00, and one can maintain the status of Junior Member until the age of 30.

For any further information and more details, you can contact us at (+39) 06.6976831 or write to soci(at)

IAI's Educational Programme

IAI's Educational Programme contributes to education and updating on policy and institutional issues of international relevance. The programme is aimed at training a civil society capable of interpreting the challenges and opportunities coming from the world, and to develop critical approach and soft skills.

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