Trump, Harris and the Future of US Foreign Policy
Both candidates for US president, Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Kamala Harris, have foreign policy experience, the former from directing it during his presidential term and the latter having helped define it as Joe Biden’s vice-...
Riccardo Alcaro
For the first time in twelve years, Venezuela sees real prospects for political change with the upcoming presidential election, scheduled for 28 July. Although the electoral process has been plagued by numerous and serious irregularities, the...Publicationview
The podcast is part of the project “Building a transatlantic technology bridge: challenges and opportunities”, managed by IAI in partnership with the German Marshall Fund of the United States and the Centres for European Policy. The project is...Newsview
The podcast is part of the project “Building a transatlantic technology bridge: challenges and opportunities”, managed by IAI in partnership with the German Marshall Fund of the United States and the Centre for European Policy. The project is...Newsview
Other papers and articles 16/12/2024
I rapporti economici Europa-Stati Uniti alla luce del voto europeo (giugno 2024) e americano (novembre 2024)
Paolo Guerrieri
(Paolo Guerrieri et al.), Rome, Aspen Institute Italia, CeSPI, ECFR, IAI, ISPI, December 2024, 37 p.
In: Other papers and articles
Other papers and articles 12/12/2024
Europe Should Adapt to a More Distant Patron
Riccardo Alcaro
in Council of Councils Fifteenth Regional Conference Background Memos, 27-29 October 2024
In: Other papers and articles
The International Spectator 04/12/2024
From Trust Deficits to Pervasive Mistrust: The Global Impact of US-China Rivalry
Giovanni Andornino, Anna Caffarena
The International Spectator, Vol. 59, No. 4, December 2024, p. 1-18
In: The International Spectator 59/4
Council of Councils (CoC)
Since 2012, IAI has been a member - the only Italian member - of the Council of Councils (CoC), a network of major international foreign policy think...leggi tutto -
Transatlantic Security Symposium - 15. ed.
The Transatlantic Symposium 2023-24 has reflected upon the trends and geopolitical implications of transatlantic economic policies and cooperation on...leggi tutto -
La cooperazione economica e tecnologica Ue-Usa di fronte alle nuove sfide geostrategiche e il ruolo dell'Italia
The project seeks to explore the obstacles and possibilities for cooperation between the U.S. and Europe in key sectors, in the context of increasing...leggi tutto
IAI in the media
Bloomberg - Tocci: Europe’s Contested Deal With China Sends Warning to Joe Biden
PBS - Tocci: Perspectives on Biden's win from Italy, Jordan and China
EU Scream - Tocci: Europe On A Power Trip
Associate fellow
Associate fellow
Research coordinator; Head of the Global Actors Programme