Gender Politics: prospettive, parità ed inclusione per la ricerca e la progettazione - 4.ed.
General course overview
The centrality of gender dynamics in research, decision-making processes, and participation in international policy strategies and development has gained increasing importance in recent years. The United Nations Resolution 1325 on "Women, Peace, and Security" has laid important foundations and encouraged the adoption of a gender perspective, particularly in conflict contexts. Since then, further steps have been taken at various levels (from governmental settings to the third sector), and through continuously evolving dynamics, once integrated into standard processes, they have demonstrated the contribution of inclusive and virtuous perspectives, insights, and approaches. However, the impact of today's global crises (from the COVID-19 pandemic to the war in Ukraine to the scarcity of resources for developing countries) is amplifying gender inequalities in all societies. This necessitates integration by specialized professionals of the gender dimension to provide precise and enduring solutions.
Italian (with the possibility of modules in English)
For more information, please refer to the Italian version.
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