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Italy and the Enlarged Mediterranean: From Historical Legacies to Contemporary Complexities

20/02/2025, Online event | h. 17:00 CET

As geopolitical shifts and security challenges continue to redefine regional dynamics, the concept of the enlarged Mediterranean emerges as a crucial framework for understanding Italy’s strategic environment. From defence doctrines to Italy’s contemporary engagements in the Middle East and Africa, such as the Mattei Plan, an exploration of historical legacies, regional complexities and policy initiatives helps contextualise and understand Rome’s evolving role in the region.

Join us for the online discussion on the enlarged Mediterranean: from historical legacies to contemporary complexities. Fabio De Ninno and Federica Cavo will trace the historical background of the concept based on their edited volume Il Mediterraneo allargato e l’Italia, Maria Luisa Fantappiè will examine the Middle Eastern dilemmas drawing on the IAI book Mediterranean Transitions from the Gulf to the Sahel, while Filippo Simonelli will present insights on Africa and the Mattei Plan from the IAI Rapporto sulla politica estera italiana 2024. Together, they will unpack the evolving geopolitical significance of the enlarged Mediterranean and its implications for Italy’s foreign and security policy.


  • The speakers

    Fabio De Ninno

    Associate Professor of Contemporary History, University of Siena

    Federica Cavo

    Former Research Fellow, University of Siena

    Maria Luisa Fantappiè

    Head of the Mediterranean, Middle East and Africa Programme, IAI

    Filippo Simonelli

    Junior Researcher in Italy’s Foreign Policy programme, IAI

  • Chair

    Leo Goretti

    Head of Italy's Foreign Policy Programme, IAI

Working language: English