Italy’s Foreign Policy in 2023: Challenges and Perspectives - Presentation of IAI’s annual report on Italian foreign policy – Padua
13/05/2024, University of Padua - h. 13:00
Presentations of the 2023 edition of the IAI Italian Foreign Policy Report continue at Italian universities. The Report, produced with the support of the Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, is the result of the work of a group of researchers from the Institute coordinated by the IAI Foreign Policy Programme. The event represents an opportunity not only to discuss what Italian foreign policy has been over the past year - with a thematic focus on the war against Ukraine and the announced Mattei Plan for Africa - but also to identify potential junctures and crucial points to be considered for 2024, engaging students and professors from the University of Padova in the discussion.
Participation is free. There is no streaming.
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