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Previsione di rischio e analisi di scenario - 11.ed.

29/09/2025 - 03/10/2025, Online course
Add to Calendar Previsione di rischio e analisi di scenario - 11.ed. Online course Organizer 2025-09-29 00:00:00 2025-10-03 00:00:00 Europe/Paris public

General course overview

Risk factors stemming from political, security, and economic actions, events, or phenomena are increasingly significant in defining the map of potential challenges that political actors and businesses operating on an international scale must confront. The effects generated by changes in the international landscape (such as new wars, inflationary phenomena, technological development) require in-depth analysis, not only in emergency terms but also in terms of forecasting. This explains the growing demand for professional figures, such as risk experts, in the financial, corporate, governmental, and humanitarian sectors, as well as the broader knowledge associated with risk scenario evaluation.


Italian (with the possibility of modules in English)

For more information, please refer to the Italian version.

Info and contacts: edu(at)
