The CS monitor - Nathalie Tocci: Europe diffusing goodness to the rest of the world through its soft power tools
08 July 2019 -
New York Times - Tocci: "E.U.'s Top Pick: Too Pious for Feminists, Too Feminist for Conservatives"
05 July 2019pressRead -
Il Politico - Tocci: Get ready for a strong Eu
03 July 2019pressRead -
The Wall Street journal - Nathalie Tocci: EU Leadership Nominees Share Tough Stances on Tech, Trade
02 July 2019pressread -
The Atlantic - Tocci: "What the Iran Crisis Reveals About European Power"
25 June 2019pressRead -
Politico - Tocci: Top EU adviser blames US for Iran tensions
18 June 2019pressRead -
New York Times - Tocci: US's policy was having the predictable effect of weakening moderates in Iran
14 June 2019pressRead -
openDemocracy - Tocci: An autonomous Europe for a cooperative world
14 June 2019pressRead -
Politico - Tocci: How Italy lost the European election
28 May 2019pressRead -
The Atlantic - Tocci: Macron is portraying himself as a European leader of the Europeanist front
20 May 2019pressread -
Politico: Alcaro, Tocci: Europe can still save the Iran nuclear deal?
09 May 2019pressRead -
Lobe Log: Alcaro, Tocci: 22 European Security Experts Call on US to Rejoin Iran Deal
08 May 2019pressRead