The National Interest: Hong Kong, Ukraine, and the Rise of the Global South
20 July 2022 -
E-International Relations: The Appropriation of ‘Curiosity’
12 October 2021pressRead -
Aspenia online: The West and the “trusted allies” inside Afghanistan
30 August 2021pressRead -
Monitor De Oriente: La masacre de judíos en 1929 en Hebrón es un microcosmos del conflicto
23 August 2021pressRead -
Middle East Monitor: The massacre of Jews in 1929 Hebron is a microcosm of the conflict
19 August 2021pressRead -
The Times of Israel: A Jew, a Muslim and a Nazi
24 May 2021pressRead -
Indus News: Israel - Palestine Ceasefire - min. 16:35
21 May 2021videoWatch -
Sada: Kamel: “Quiet Annexation” amid UAE-Israel Normalization
03 September 2020pressRead -
Aspenia online - Kamel: Radici e risvolti dell’accordo Israele-Emirati
20 August 2020pressRead -
Sada - Kamel: The Roots of Israel's Annexation Policy
06 August 2020pressRead -
AlJazeera - Kamel: "Soleimani and the weight of history"
19 January 2020pressLeggi -
Carnegie middle east center - Kamel: "With the Peace Process Dead, What Options Are Open for the Palestinians to Create a State?"
28 November 2019pressLeggi