Al Jazeera: Germany can and should lead the way on EU energy solidarity
29 October 2022 -
Aspenia Online - Poli: Life after Merkel
27 May 2021pressRead -
Al Jazeera English: What's next for Italy's economic and political crisis? | Inside Story - min. 02:20
04 February 2021videoWatch -
Dziennik Gazeta Prawna - Poli: Początek końca politycznej kariery Salviniego
04 June 2020pressRead (Polish) -
Rádio e Televisão de Portugal - Poli: the parties of the Italian government and Europe
24 May 2019videoWatch -
Aspenia Online - Poli: Germany’s SDP and the sleeping beauty syndrome
20 May 2019pressread -
The Express - Poli: Brussels pressures on Italy
11 May 2019audiolisten -
Estudios de Política Exterior - Poli: Italy and the euro's future
31 October 2018pressRead -
The Progressive Post - Poli: Salavini and immigration
28 October 2018pressRead -
Rzeczpospolita - Poli: Europe in fear, itailian populists are here
24 March 2018pressRead -
Aspenia Online - Eleonora Poli: The Western Balkans, where EU credibility is at stake
15 March 2018pressRead -
Aspenia Online - Eleonora Poli: The Western Balkans, where EU credibility is at stake
15 March 2018pressRead