all sui Media

  • Mediterranean Transitions from the Gulf to the Sahel

  • Il Piano Mattei: rilanciare l’Africa Policy dell’Italia

  • Una nuova sicurezza per l'Unione europea: integrazione e coordinamento istituzionale

  • Transatlantic Cooperation on Data Governance and Digital Infrastructures

  • What Are the Main Drivers of Member States’ Defence Procurement Practices? The Italian Case

  • The Arab Uprisings and Colonialism’s Long Shadow: Conceptualising Citizenship and the State in the Middle East

  • Bringing Order to ‘Disorder'? Applying Complexity Theory to UN Statebuilding Interventions in the Democratic Republic of Congo and South Sudan

  • The US and EU Response to Tunisia’s Democratic Backsliding: Promoting Democracy or Protecting Interests?

  • Reshaping Power Relations Within the International Aid Regime: The Role of the People’s Republic of China and Africa

  • HDP Nexus Outcomes and the Integration of Peace Elements: The Case of Iraq after the ISIL Conflict

  • Reshaping the Multilateral Aid Regime from the Global South? Alternative Perspectives on Humanitarianism, Development and Peacebuilding from Latin America and the Caribbean

  • Military Expansion in Disaster Response and Its Implications for the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus