all sui Media

  • Reconciliation of Energy Security and Climate Objectives: The Case of Italy

  • Focus euroatlantico n. 4 (settembre-dicembre 2023)

  • Riconciliare gli obiettivi di sicurezza energetica e climatica: il caso dell’Italia

  • Gathering storms: the Middle East and North Africa in a new era of global turmoil

  • European and Tunisian Migration Policies: A Recipe for Failure and Suffering

  • The impact of narratives on EU policymaking

  • Policy brief on the impact of narratives on EU policymaking

  • The Perfect Storm: Trump and USA 2024

  • Gianluigi Bonanomi

  • A Game of State? Sport and International Politics

  • Challenges Ahead for the EU in Syria – Aid, Sanctions and Normalisation

  • Advanced Certificate 2024