all sui Media

  • Unpacking the Vatican’s Diplomatic Failure in Reaching a Ceasefire in the Russia-Ukraine War

  • Job Opportunity – Mediterranean, Middle East And Africa Programme

  • Focus euroatlantico n. 2 (maggio 2023)

  • Multipolar Competition's Impact on EU Foreign Policy: Lessons from Ukraine, Iran and the South China Sea

  • The Revolutionary Kids Are Alright: Egypt Ten Years after the Coup

  • La strada verso una riforma strutturale delle politiche migratorie europee: le priorità dell’Italia

  • La guerra in Ucraina. L’impatto per la regione MENA

  • La produzione industriale a sostegno della difesa europea e transatlantica

  • The Aftermath of the Earthquake in Syria: An Opportunity for Peace?

  • Italy’s Pivot to the Indo-Pacific

  • Maria Vittoria Massarin

  • SMEs and access to digital tools. Barriers and opportunities for transatlantic cooperation