all sui Media

  • Focus euroatlantico n. 1 (gennaio 2023)

  • The interdependence on critical raw materials

  • The change of pace of the EU

  • The South China Sea and Indo-Pacific in an Era of “Multipolar” Competition

  • Through the Labyrinth of Regional Cooperation: How to Make Sense of Regional Integration in the Western Balkans

  • The Unfulfilled Promise of EU Foreign and Security Policy towards Iran

  • The EU-U.S. Trade and Technology Dialogue (TTD)

  • Lorenzo Valeri

  • Main Drivers and Policy Options for a Differentiated EU: A Scenario-Based Exercise

  • Mapping Scenarios of Differentiated EUrope 2025–2035

  • Geopolitics of Energy Transition - 4.ed.

  • Il Medio Oriente e i paesi del Golfo - 3. ed.