A German Economist and an Italian Political Scientist Debate Europe’s Energy Crisis
Priorità e sfide della politica estera: L’opinione degli italiani
Brussels–Taipei: Changing the Game?
New EU research projects @IAI
A European strategic “third way?” The European Union between the traditional transatlantic alliance and the pull of the Chinese market
RADAR: Raising Awareness on Disinformation, Achieving Resilience
Assessing the pros and cons of the EU-China comprehensive agreement on investment
RECLAIM: Reclaiming Liberal Democracy in the Post-Factual Age
Nel nodo Leonardo-Fincantieri, l'obiettivo resti la competitività
ReConnect China: generating independent knowledge for a resilient future with China for Europe and its citizens
REGROUP: Rebuilding governance and resilience out of the pandemic
SHAPEDEM-EU: Rethinking and Reshaping the EU’s democracy support in its Eastern and Southern Neighbourhood