all sui Media

  • Price and Prejudice part 2: Reconfiguring the EU energy system between energy security and decarbonisation

  • EDA Framework contract on CBRN Hazard Management

  • Virtual Enhanced Reality for inTeroperable traIning of CBRN military and civilian Operators” (VERTIgO)

  • Nexus25 project on the security-climate-migration nexus continues its activities with a conference on 24-25 May in Rome

  • The Sporting Sanctions against Russia: Debunking the Myth of Sport's Neutrality

  • The strategic nature of space for global and Italian security

  • Tackling the global shock waves of the Ukraine crisis

  • My European President: Ursula von der Leyen

  • The leapfrogging revolution

  • Young Women and Next Generation Initiative in Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Mentorship Programme Final Meeting

  • Global Health and International Cooperation

  • Silence the guns in Ukraine