all sui Media

  • Drought, Desertification and Displacement: Re-Politicising the Climate-Conflict Nexus in the Sahel

  • The Draghi Government and Italy's International Role

  • Akram Ezzamouri

  • African Challenges to Multilateralism: the Nile between History, Conflict and Cooperation

  • Flexible Defence Cooperation in Europe: FNC, JEF and EI2

  • Russian Energy Exports and the Conflict in Ukraine: What Options for Italy and the EU?

  • A Congested Space and its Safety

  • Napoleone e Muhammad ‘Alı

  • A Joined-Up Union, a Stronger Europe

  • Jean Monnet Network VISTA Summer School

  • Differentiation and EU Governance: Key Elements and Impact

  • Brexit and the Trade and Cooperation Agreement: Implications for Internal and External EU Differentiation