all sui Media

  • Lessons from the T20: Five Priorities for Italian Infrastructure Investment

  • Financing for the Sustainable Development Goals

  • L'Euro venti anni dopo

  • Europe 2035: Differentiated integration and the Conference on the future of Europe

  • Laying the Groundwork for Peace in a Fragmented Libya

  • Ten Years of Protests in the Middle East and North Africa

  • A green revival for a political Europe

  • Multi-Layered Actions? Sustaining Partnerships in the EU Integrated Approach to Conflicts and Crises

  • Study on National Industrial Strategies and Policies in EDA participating Member States relevant for the European Defence Industrial Base

  • Anche il soldato diventa smart

  • Documenti IAI 1966-2008

  • Policy Recommendations for a Differentiated Union: Ensuring Effectiveness, Sustainability and Democracy