all sui Media

  • La politica estera del governo Draghi. Le opinioni degli italiani

  • How Can the G20 Support Innovative Mechanisms to Mobilise Financial Resources for LDCs in a Post-Pandemic World?

  • Boosting Africa's and LDCs' Agency in the G20

  • FACTS – Real Information for a Brighter Future

  • Young Talents for Italy, Europe and the World - 2021

  • EaP: Regional geopolitical challenges and the way forward

  • Bologna Peacebuilding Forum 2021. Peacebuilding and Climate Change

  • Morocco: A Decade of Popular Struggles and Monarchy Resistance

  • Covid-19 and the Multilateral System: What Role for the EU?

  • Teetering on the Brink: Turkey's Troubled Ties with the West

  • Europe and Covid-19: Never Waste a Good Crisis

  • La lezione dell'Aukus per le velleità europee