all sui Media

  • German-Italian Strategic Forum on Europe

  • Europea. Parlano i fatti

  • Out of the Security Deadlock: Challenges and Choices in the Sahel

  • DiCE - Differentiation: Clustering Excellence

  • L’Italia e la crisi libica: quali lezioni di politica estera?

  • Collapse and Rebirth of Cultural Heritage. The Case of Syria and Iraq

  • Beyond the Digital Tax: The Challenges of the EU's Scramble for Technological Sovereignty

  • Geopolitics and Italian Foreign Policy in the Age of Renewable Energy

  • Russia: l'impatto del Covid 19 sul Cremlino

  • Out of the deadlock. Security sector reform in the Sahel

  • Uniformity and Differentiation in the Fundamentals of EU Membership

  • Una strategia nazionale per le missioni militari italiane all'estero