all sui Media

  • Promoting Research on Digitalisation in Emerging Powers and Europe towards Sustainable Development - PRODIGEES

  • Time has come to reverse the movement — AMBITUS

  • Geopolitics in the age of renewable energies: challenges and opportunities for the Italian foreign policy

  • Revitalising the Study of EU Single Market Integration in a Turbulent Age - VISTA

  • Integrating Europe: Istituto Affari Internazionali and Institut für Europäische Politik: Cooperation between think tanks living in two different national environments

  • Pros and Cons of Proactive Political Leadership: A Review of the Legacy of the "Last Chance" Commission

  • Tunisia's Presidential Elections: Global Populism Intrudes on the Tunisian Transition

  • From Waste to Biomethane: Fostering Circular Economy Solutions in the Euro-Mediterranean Region

  • New-Med Youth Call

  • Mediterranean: the Water-Food Nexus

  • The Water-Food Nexus in Mediterranean Cities: The Quest for More Sustainable Diets

  • The Middle East: Thinking About and Beyond Security and Stability (volume)