all sui Media

  • Crunch Time for Europe to Save the Iran Nuclear Deal

  • L'evoluzione geopolitica nel Medioriente

  • Lo scenario politico

  • Navigating Complexity: The EU's Rationale in the 21st Century

  • Academia and practice in European foreign policy: opportunities for mutual learning

  • China's Vision of an Ecological Civilisation

  • A New Idea of Europe: The Challenge of Flexibility

  • Democrazia digitale: la protezione dei cittadini nell’era dei big data

  • Governance and Security in the Sahel: Tackling Mobility, Demography and Climate Change

  • Engaging civil societies in Turkey and the EU: can they break through the deadlock?

  • Hearing on the geopolitical perspectives in the Horn of Africa and the role of Italy

  • Political values in Italy's China policy: A "constructive approach"