all sui Media

  • The EU and NATO: A Partnership with a Glass Ceiling

  • Beyond the Civilian Compact: Why we need to talk about civilian capabilities

  • The EU Global Strategy and the MENA Region: In Search of Resilience

  • Is the EU lost at sea? The EUGS and the implementation of a joined-up approach to migration

  • Policy Relevant Scholarship? The Value of Creating, Framing and Storytelling

  • Assessing EU–Mediterranean Policies in the Field of Energy from a Bottom-up Perspective: The Case of Egypt

  • Hearing on peace in the Mediterranean

  • Basta Europa? La politica estera incontra i cittadini: meglio in Europa o meglio fuori?

  • Varieties of Banking Union: Resolution Regimes and Backstops in Europe and the US

  • Assessing EU–Mediterranean Policies in the Field of Energy from a Bottom-up Perspective: The Case of Lebanon

  • Elite Survey: How Local Elites Perceive the EU and its Policies in the Mediterranean

  • The EU'S Migration, Asylum and Mobility Policies in the Mediterranean