all sui Media

  • The missing piece

  • Jordan's Protests and Neoliberal Reforms: Walking on Thin Ice

  • Game (Not) Over: Mapping Dynamics and Testing Scenarios in EU-Turkey relations in a Global Perspective

  • EU-Turkey cooperation on migration management: going beyond ad hoc short-termism

  • China-Vatican Talks: Covert Negotiations Aim to End Decades of Severed Relations

  • The Impact of Global Drivers on the Future of EU-Turkey Security Relations

  • L'Italia al bivio. Rapporto sulla politica estera italiana, Edizione 2018

  • The New Sea People: China in the Mediterranean

  • Europe and Iran in a fast-changing Middle East: Confidence-building measures, security dialogue and regional cooperation

  • Recasting EU Civilian Crisis Management

  • Women in Peacebuilding and Mediation in Cyprus: Where We Are and Where to Next?

  • EU Migration Policy and Regional Integration in Africa: A New Challenge for European Policy Coherence