all sui Media

  • Restraint Instead of Assertiveness. Russia and a New Era in World Politics

  • The refugee crisis and the future of the internal and external dimensions of EU migration and asylum policies

  • Japan Out of its Comfort Zone

  • Brexit After the UK General Elections

  • Saccomanni member of the G20 EPG

  • EU energy and climate securities in a geostrategic context

  • IAI's New Face - The Istituto Affari internazionali renovates its structure and staff

  • IAI's new face

  • G20, IAI at the Think 20 Summit

  • An Intersectional Analysis of the Micro-level Factors of Youth Economic and Political Exclusion/Inclusion in the South and East Mediterranean (SEM) Region

  • Youth in the South East Mediterranean Region and the Need for a Political Economy Approach

  • Explaining Youth Participation and Non-Participation in Morocco