all sui Media

  • Rethinking Italy's Shrinking Place in the International Arena

  • Vol. 51, No. 1, March 2016

  • Turkey in Europe and the World—A Trilateral Initiative

  • L'accordo sui nuovi rapporti fra Regno Unito ed Unione europea

  • Italy: Supports EU Integration with or without the UK

  • Changing Patterns of Conflict and Geopolitical Alignments in the Caucasus: Implications for Europe

  • Somali Perspectives: Institutional and Policy Challenges

  • Migration and Foreign Policies. The Search for Better European Governance

  • Geopolitical Shifts and Domestic Dynamics in the Middle East and North Africa

  • Somalia: A Long Road Ahead

  • Observatory on European defence, March 2016

  • Respect for Sovereignty, Use of Force and the Principle of Non-intervention in the Internal Affairs of Other States