all sui Media

  • La riunione dei Ministri degli esteri della NATO del 2-3 dicembre 2008

  • Il dibattito interno alla Turchia sul processo di adesione all'Unione europea

  • The Union for the Mediterranean. Evolution and Prospects

  • Report of the Workshop on "The Mediterranean: Opportunities to Develop EU-GCC Relations?"

  • Why the European Union Needs a 'Broader Middle East' Policy

  • Investment from the GCC and Development in the Mediterranean

  • Energy in the Mediterranean and the Gulf

  • Democratic Legitimacy and Accountability of ESDP Operations

  • EU and GCC Strategic Interests in the Mediterranean

  • Report of the conference "The EU and the Reform of the UN Security Council"

  • Report of the workshop "Italy's Participation in EU Civilian Missions. Critical Aspects and Future Perspectives"

  • Effectiveness and Ineffectiveness of the UN Security Council in the Last Twenty Years: A US Perspective