Politico - Marrone: France and Italy need a fresh start
29 May 2019pressRead -
About Energy - Sartori: Philippine elections, a quasi-plebiscite for Duterte
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Politico - Tocci: How Italy lost the European election
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ARD Mediathek - Gramaglia: The european elections
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Rádio e Televisão de Portugal - Poli: the parties of the Italian government and Europe
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Radio Notre Dame - Darnis: The European budget rules and Italy
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Aspenia Online - Poli: Germany’s SDP and the sleeping beauty syndrome
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The Atlantic - Tocci: Macron is portraying himself as a European leader of the Europeanist front
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The role of BRICS and of the G20 in the changing multilateral order
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Aspenia Online - Bilotta: Bolsonaro: the tricky job of a populist in power
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The Express - Poli: Brussels pressures on Italy
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Politico: Alcaro, Tocci: Europe can still save the Iran nuclear deal?
09 May 2019pressRead