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  • Staccato (STAkeholders platform for supply Chain mapping, market Conditions Analysis and Technologies Opportunities)

  • Italy and the anti-ballistic missile defence programs

  • BIO3R (Bio-terrorism, Research, Reaction, Resilience)

  • The role of the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) in Italy and Europe

  • Study on Suitable Governance and Data Policy models for a European Space Situational Awareness (SSA) System

  • Foreign investment in the emerging European security and defence market

  • OPERAMAR (An InterOPERAble Approach to European Union MARitime Security Management)

  • DEFSEC - Study on industrial implications in Europe of the blurring of dividing lines between Security and Defence

  • MAGES - Mature Application of Galileo for Emergency Scenario

  • EUROCON - Study on State Control of Strategic Defence Assets

  • EU, Conflict Transformation, and Civil Society

  • The Role of the GCC in the Southern Mediterranean Countries