The New York Times - Tocci: Europe, again humiliated by Trump, struggles to defend its interests
09/05/2018pressRead -
Carnegie Middle East Center - Tocci: Can the International Community Breathe New Life into the Geneva Process for Syria?
26/04/2018pressRead -
The Security Times - Colombo & Tocci: (Tri)poli-sci. Squaring the triangle of security, migration and state-building in Libya
14/02/2018pressRead (p. 20) -
Hurriyet Daily News - Colombo: EU-GCC relations and the risk of irrelevance
06/01/2018press -
Berkeley Political Review - Kamel: Iraq’s Kurds. Questions on Self-Determination
23/12/2017pressRead -
Judy Dempsey's Strategic Europe Blog - Judy Asks: Is the Two-State Solution Over?