L'Opinion - Darnis: Face au coronavirus, l’Italie doute du soutien de la France
31/03/2020pressRead (Fr) -
Financial Times - Tocci: Russia sends Italy coronavirus aid to underline historic ties
25/03/2020pressRead -
Bloomberg - Tocci: Putin Flies Help to Virus-Stricken Italy, Exploiting EU Fumble
23/03/2020pressRead -
Transatlantic Take - Cristiani: Italy’s Coronavirus Experience and the Challenge by Extreme Crises to Liberal Democracies
20/03/2020pressRead -
The New York Times - Tocci: "Europe’s Gamble: Can It Save Iran Deal by Threatening to Kill It?"
16/01/2020pressLeggi -
Politico - Tocci: "What Europe can do in Iran. Three ways the Continent can respond to escalation in Middle East."
08/01/2020pressLeggi -
RIA Novosti - Colombo:" L'uccisione di Solimani rappresenta un duro colpo per la coscienza degli iraniani"
03/01/2020pressLeggi -
The New York Times - Tocci: "Suleimani’s Gone, and the Iran Nuclear Deal May Be Next"
03/01/2020pressLeggi -
RIAC - Dessì:"The EU and Russia Share Much Potential for Cooperation in the Middle East"